
COR Assure can operate under a Bring Your Own (BYO) Management System, Nominated Third Party (NTP) Management Systems or under Agreed Assessment Methodology (AAM) to undertake the review.

Snapshot based on data and documents

COR Assure works with internal audit or quality under BYO, NTP or AAM under the relevant scope to develop a snapshot of the:

  • client exposure
  • supply chain integrity
  • business continuity plan


The snapshot is developed having regard to the limited scope (counter party, product line, distribution channel, supply chain, production process) across:

  • relevant standard (ISO, jurisdiction based standard, industry standard)
  • hazards, risks and controls
  • compliance obligations
  • organisational standards
  • organisational or client specifications

Implementing the review

The outputs from the review can be used for:

  • audit purposes
  • risk adjustment
  • contract specification
  • business continuity planning