Through our sophisticated approach COR Assure allows clients to gain control over the logistics task through ensuring that the parties involved are properly aligned to the logistic tasks.
Our Strategy
Consistent with Quality and Risk principles and practices under ISO 9001 and ISO 30001, we assess the alignment of risk and controls across the supply chain to meet the agreed expectations of the buyer of the service.
The logistics task can be highly variable. However that does not make management of logistics a complicated or unmanageable task. We work with clients to ensure they move past the jargon and unnecessary difficulties thrown up by the transport task.
Through our sophisticated approach COR Assure allows clients to gain control over the logistics task through ensuring that the parties involved are properly aligned to the logistic tasks.
Our approach to Logistics
We work with buyers to improve operations and alignment of services. This applies to where the purchase is of:
- the transportation function (road | rail | air | sea)
- the delivery of goods using transport
- the supply of goods using transport
Our Methodology
We start with the current risk allocation position and the current systems to control those risks under the corporate outcomes. We use corporate and operational tools to determine the strength of the business and opportunities for improvement.
About this Process
Using Quality Assurance across risk and compliance COR Assure provides a customsied services across a range of operations and disciplines. Our services under the Scope are designed to align with your business and your logistic requirements.